Monday 24 January 2011

Paddling against the current....

Nga Na Deff! (Hello in Wollof)

The fact that I lost my contact lens is synonmous with how my first surf session went needless to say I ate wave - lots of it.
After so many months of anticipation, dreaming of waves so perfect and skill so incomprehensible even Kelly Slater would marvel at my style, the reality was...well... a bit of a let down. Growing up slap bang in the middle of Britain means that perhaps this 'skill' I have been cultivating all these years was manufactured from my own delusions. Surfing is hard both physically and mentally, while your arms burn against the exertion of paddling your mind is the proverbial carrousel as you contemplate the wave your about to throw yourself into (think ragdoll in the washing machine).

So Jesper my boss here has put me on a back to basics training plan. I have to paddle 6 miles from N'gor island to the Dakar mainland everyday and back again to build strength as well as attend surf school with the Senegalese locals. This is ok I guess because I reap my revenge with the yoga I make him participate in at 8am every morning!! I was feeling rather sorry for myself after I tanked so spectacularly on my first go but realised surfing should be viewed as a metaphor for life - you take a pounding but you persevere and ride it out! I will prevail.... 

So far things are pretty great here in Senegal. Like most African countries, visiting the west is not a holiday but an experience and you have to repeat this mantra to yourself when things grate like the African time for instance and the mosquitoes! You are so thrown out of your comfort zone in every possible way, perhaps even more so here (Senegal is French speaking and my French is del boy esq to say the least - mange tout anyone)? Black outs are frequent due to the wind and solar methods of generating electricity and I've had my fair share of bucket showers because the water has been cut off - all part of the experience I say!
N'gor surf camp is a little Shangri-la and the people here are wonderful, diverse and from all walks of life. The only problem is I want to be in the good surfers club and am still very much a novice!! Ah well three months to practise I suppose :)

With skype and internet feelings of loneliness or isolation haven't surfaced too much. Naturally when first settling into a place there is a period of disarray but I strive always to find a positive slant on things because I know these feelings will dissipate. My family and friends should know that I love them and think of them often but it is counterproductive for me to dwell too much. I love you all but I'm having too much fun to worry needlessly!

Anywho I've been stealing far too much wifi from the hotel in Dakar so time for me to go, me thinks (THE hotel from Endless Summer)! Done and dusted blog for the first week!

Leggelegge (see you later)

Love Sophia



  1. I love your writing style sophia, so funny :) put's a smile on my face as i struggle with dissertation work... Keep at it girl! you'll get into the good surfers club eventually :D love and hugs xxx

  2. Miss you Sophy Soph! Sounds like you are working very hard! Keep at it, and you will only get better and better! Love your positive attitude and your fantastic way of seeing things. Enjoy every second that you have over there (even when it's having a bucket shower). Hope the yoga is going well!

    Lots of love and good karma from rainy England!

    Rosie xxxx


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Holding a smile and a peace sign up to the world.
