Friday 8 January 2010


ReDiscover:-[14th century. Via Old French descovrir <>To find something out - Again

Though I scribe with wires, I hope to write with the fluency of familiarity & reflection. Lets pretend we are already friends discussing life's intricacies over a cup of tea. Me Casa en su Casa....or at least something like that (!)
...And so another year walks to the tomb to be but dust and philosophy, gawd I love new year!
In our farewell I feel compelled to be gracious, to bow my head in acknowledgement, the heaviness of gratitude humbling me.

Above anything I have cherished the moments in 2009 that tested my resolve, for here in this picture frame you see that life's abstracts are all artworks. I have truly learnt something. That we must hold every phase in our lives sacred, for we do not know when we might lose the oppertunity to feel anything at all.
I have understood sadness my own and others, I've allowed myself to examine it, to turn it over and revise every contour, until at last I realised that sadness should be thought of as just a smooth stone. Hold it, feel its shape and then throw it, watch it skim the waters then disappear. Pains neednt define you, they are merely life's utensils, change the tool and your shape changes too.

I confess to feeling vulnerable at times, the same that I feel exposed to happiness, when I feel jovial there is a fragment within me that is terrified something will snatch it away from me. This I have come to learn means that I have something worth missing. Its made me love voraciously, not to be afraid by the intensity of my emotions for they make me Sophia. For all that I am.

This year I saw poverty for real. It has taught me to seek the simplicity of being, wholly and quintessentially you, that we must all seek the quiet. We are alive. And that my friends is a blessing in itself.

I have found wonderment in academia but discovered that letters after your surname is not the be all and end all.
Perfectionism is a disease that decays the simple beauties in life, its ok to be human and not have all of the answers all of the time. Mistakes are what make us whole, its the constant yearining, our curiosity- for getting up ignoring grazed knees and carrying on anyway- thats the important bit!
As I stride towards 2010 I am filled with optimism. I hope that I am able to pause in the moments of wonderment and fully appreciate the awesomness of being here (and not just a facebook photo op, guilty as charged)!
I hope I read more books that sculpt thoughts and ideas with beauty. I hope I love unburdened by fear, or at least without decorum (the best kind of love)! Above everything I hope that this year I own my actions, that I live with deliberation and help those that need me, the same as those who might not know they need me. I hope I learn to forgive myself for yearning all of the time, wanting to be the best that I can be, because that wanderlust got me where I am today. I hope that I realise that its ok to be in the right here right now and not always to be looking towards the horizon. Look around see where the light hits.

To all Thank you for being a part of it. X

As I'm embarking on a year full of change and uphevel (Leaving uni, new romance, wanting to live off-grid, aromatherapy course, econess and travel) I've decided to list my goals and share my experiences throughout the year with you lovely people, friends, acquaintances and the people who have just happened upon this blog!

So to summarise the resolutions are:-

1. To write a blog *frequently* (Yay strike one)!

2. To learn how to knit (And strike two, expect wonky scarves for gifts lovely people)!

3. To embrace all things holistic (...veg growing, aromatherapy, herbal medicine, stove building, solar energy)

4. To make living in a yurt/bender/ narrow boat a reality (or at least a well formulated plan)

5. To tell the people who mean the most that I love them a ridiculous, vomit inducing, soppy dancing in the rain, all day everyday kind of way =)
Aloha Friends!


  1. Hey sophia, Beautiful writing, brought a slight niggling tear to my eye :) hope all's well


  2. Live in or with a bender?

  3. Oh God, you'll be practising homeopathy next!

  4. "mistakes are what make us whole" Like a Bolognese pizza

  5. that initial commenbt wasn't me

  6. did actual real hippies label themselves hippies? It seems like you just want to be a hippy, reminding me of Russell Brand in "Forgetting Sarah Marshall"

  7. Michelle-a-Belle :)14 January 2010 at 10:25

    Sophia, Beautiful intentions, Beautiful writings, Beautiful girl, Beautiful life.. thanks for sharing with us :) Love and light xxx

  8. Deborah Littleton15 January 2010 at 03:36

    Sophia, life is a journey with lots of turns and bends along the way. We are constantly learning new skills and things about ourselves - some which we may need to work on! Sophia you are a wonderful person and I feel blessed that you are also my friend and I am sure whatever happens in life you will remain positive and spiritual. I wish you all the luck in the world - you deserve it. Oh - my mam has knitted all her life - if you need any help with that craft! xx

  9. Aloha!
    Thank you everyone for your comments I really appreciate the feedback.
    And to Anonymous: I'm not afraid of criticism, I appreciate your opinion so don't be scared to write your name I don't mind reading your thoughts (doesn't mean I have to listen to them)!

  10. Oh dear, oh dear oh dear. Ignoring the slightly unneeded jibes this was a lovely read.

  11. Rosie Kate Harris19 January 2010 at 13:14


    This is wonderful, so very you, and that is what makes it so beutiful. I can imagine if I stumbled across this on the internet, I would find it hard to believe someone could be so genuine and sweet and positive about everything that life throws at them, but having met you, and having the privilege to have you as a friend, I know you mean wholeheartedly everything that you say here. Best wishes for the new year my lovely hippie.

    xxx Rosie xxxxx

    My sister just learnt to knit by looking it up online, so I have every confidence I will be getting a great stripy knitted thing from you this christmas!


About Me

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Holding a smile and a peace sign up to the world.
